I’m taking the ACRF Hair Dare to support Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) in their mission to achieve a world without cancer.
My family's story:
My mum was first diagnosed with stage 1 grade 3 breast cancer two weeks after my son was born in 2014. After a year of aggressive treatment for breast cancer, two years later in 2017, she was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. It had spread into the omentum (fat lining) of her stomach, wrapping around the arteries and ureters. Her oncologist said that she had a 35% chance that she might live for another 5 years. After aggressive treatment and major surgery including a total hysterectomy, 3kgs of necrotic tissue removal and an autograft on the iliac artery, plus multiple minor surgeries to save her kidney function.
Five years later her oncologist gave her the amazing news that she is most likely cured of ovarian cancer! With strict instructions that if any cancer returns, she is to see him immediately. She will have lifelong ongoing tests annually for breast cancer and bi-annually for ovarian cancer due to being in the high risk category with the BrCa 2 gene.
Mum will have been cancer free for one year this Christmas!
Thank you for your generous donation. Supporting ACRF means giving Australia’s best cancer research to the people who need it most. That could be someone you know – someone you care about – your family, your friends, your community, perhaps even you.
My Updates


On the 7th of December, I will be shaving my head for the ACRF Hair Dare Fundraiser! My 9 year old son, is also participating in this fundraiser with me and getting a swanky new hairdo!Thank you to my Sponsors

Uncle Pip.

Gaye Elliott
Hugs and Love, Mum 🥰

Clan <3 Proud of you always

Two amazing women 💕

Rinna Elliott

Hope you reach your target.👍