For Dad


My Updates

My goal

I lost my father to cancer last year, a journey that was both heartbreaking and challenging for me and my family. Watching him fight with strength inspired me to make a difference!! I’ll be raising money to support others battling this disease, hoping to provide some relief and help fund research for better treatments. Every contribution will make a meaningful impact in the fight against cancer. With the money I raise I will be shaving my head for the third time for charity in late April to mid May!!! 

Thank you so much, 

Lots of love Jack. 

Thank you to my Sponsors





Well done Jack.❤️


Craig Williams

Well done Jack, it's a great thing you are doing and for a terrific cause. I'm sure your Dad would be very proud.



Good on you!! Your dad obviously raised a good son :)


Nick Zuk

Good on you Jacky Douglas, sorry for your loss, great cause mate stay strong 💪🏽


Karen Malseed



Good on you Jacky ❤


Joel B

Well done Jackson very proud of you





Georgia Pfeffer

Proud of ya Jacky boy xx


Bec Penrose

So sorry to hear Jack xx What you're doing is wonderful, best of luck with raising funds


Ben Mensink

Love you Jack ❤️


Jarrod Chardet

Love you Jack


Lachie Mcmanus



Love ya McKenzie

