For Aunty kylie 💜

By Charli Gaiter

As some of you know my Aunty has been diagnosed with a cancer and is no cure  in support I will be shaving my head  there is a go fund me page to help support Aunty kylie and her family with the expenses of travelling and chemo I ask if you could donate anything there or here 

I’m taking the ACRF Hair Dare to support Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) in their mission to achieve a world without cancer.

I am raising vital funds to support the 2 in 5 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85. With your help, we can transform the way we prevent, diagnose and treat ALL types of cancer and put an end to this devastating disease.

Thank you for your generous donation. Supporting ACRF means giving Australia’s best cancer research to the people who need it most. That could be someone you know – someone you care about – your family, your friends, your community, perhaps even you.