Stephanie Murfitt

60km In May Challenge

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

My Achievements

Added profile pic

Shared Page

Self Donated

50% of goal

75% of goal

Reached Goal!

$2 raised

$100 raised

$250 raised

$500 raised

$750 raised

My Updates

The Why!

Some may be aware that Cancer is something that has impacted and is currently impacting someone close to me. If the possibility of itching closer to a cure is there, I want to be part of the movement forward. If you can, and are willing, please donate to this cause below. I’ll be walking at least 2km a day for the month of May in support of cancer research. 
Thanks, Steph 🌼

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kathy Murfitt


Lea Murfitt

Good work Steph you can do the kms for me

