Support me in backing brilliant!
Too many people are effected by this horrible disease and I am recently reminded of the impact of families both physically and emotionally, everyone feels things differently but we really need to find a way so no one has to deal in any way, so I am taking part in ACRF's 2km a Day in May challenge to help raise essential funds for lifesaving cancer research. I am choosing this as it is for all types of cancer research which if what I truly believe we need to focus on. For those that know me I rarely walk 10 minuted these days without some form of pain but this challenge for me is very personal and I am determined to meet every day with the strength that my family and friends have done. Please help me make a difference so that we can find more solutions and options to keep fighting.
Every day in May, I will be moving for 2kms or more in support of the 2 in 5 Australians who will face a cancer diagnosis by the age of 85.
By committing to support brilliant cancer research, we can help to transform the way we prevent, detect and treat ALL types of cancer.
Let's move towards a cancer-free future together
My Achievements
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Self Donated
50% of goal
75% of goal
Reached Goal!
$2 raised
$100 raised
$250 raised
$500 raised
$750 raised
My Updates
Just wanna cuddle up
Remaining Accountable
Some Days Are Harder than others
So yesterday was a bad day, my body was screaming and head was pounding so i only managed 1.4km. the joys of fibro but i will make it up if its the last thing i do. One day at a time. It looks like the treadmill with be my activity for a few days or a week according to the weather forcast.. Lets do this..A little exercise company
Rain Rain GoAway
Ok so treadmill walks are soooo not exciting.. why does it take longer to reach your goal on a treadmill??? Just weird. Well at least I had some company at the start and the option to speed up at the end as nature was screaming at me hahahahahaha...another day done.
nice day for a stroll
Ok so today was not so wet, so walking outside always a good thing. Worst things about the walk around our beautiful neighbourhood is coming back up my own street as it has an incline lol.. but a nice walk today.. decided by some miracle it's going to make me fit or make me crawl down my drive way.. for those that have already supported thank you so very much truly honoured by your kindness... 💜💜💜nearly half way
So the donations are nearly half way to my goal. So many people I love and have lived have been affected by cancer, most recently my mother has been fighting the battle, so I am forever grateful to those willing to support the cause. I know we will all be effected in some way by this horrible illness that's why I believe we need to find a way to bring all our resources together and find a cure. I'm honestly scared about doing this very small fund-raising activity but the reasons behind are so much bigger than me. I know I can be there for those in my life but I really want to help find a way to make a difference. It's heart breaking for all who have faced it and loved someone who has faced it. This challenge for me is nothing of the challenge faced by my mum, my aunt, my grandfather, my friends and my friends loved ones. So in 8 more sleeps I will start my little journey for those who can't xoxThank you to my Sponsors
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Jane 💕
So proud of what you are accomplishing Glad you posted and gave me a chance to support you. 💕
Denise Stone
You are absolutely amazing, always there to help everyone 💜💜
Rhonda Meier
Every little bit helps
Sherilyn Meier
Kristen Woods
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Kerry Meek
Tegan Smith
David Dawson
Hi Sheridan, I saw your Mum shopping the other day at Coles, I hope she beats this thing, love from. Dave And Karen.
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Cheryl Taylor
You truly are amazing, Well done my friend. So proud of you xxx 💜💜💜
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