Samantha Jane

2KM A Day In May Challenge

Please help me make a contribution to finding a cure for cancer!

I am taking part in ACRF's 2km a Day in May challenge to help raise essential funds for lifesaving cancer research.

Every day in May, I will be moving for 2kms or more in support of the 2 in 5 Australians who will face a cancer diagnosis by the age of 85.

By committing to support brilliant cancer research, we can help to transform the way we prevent, detect and treat ALL types of cancer.

Let's move towards a cancer-free future together

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

My Achievements

Added profile pic

Shared Page

Self Donated

50% of goal

75% of goal

Reached Goal!

$2 raised

$100 raised

$250 raised

$500 raised

$750 raised

My Updates

My daughters b’day, Father’s Birthday & Mother’s Day

This week has been a very busy week. My Daughter celebrated becoming a teenager, my gorgeous Father celebrated 86 years, and I was with my Mum, Dad, Daughter and partner enjoying Mother’s Day. I am very lucky🍀, but so many are not so lucky. 
My partner lost his Mum Doreen to Cancer when he was 30. My friend Sarah lost her battle with cancer in her 40’s, leaving her husband and 3 children behind. My cousin Ben passed away after a five year battle, leaving his two children without their Father. My daughter’s Nanny Fran, a breast cancer survivor. 
Today my friend Molly celebrates her 53 Birthday and Mother’s Day after overcoming early stage breast cancer, Another friend and inspiration for my effort; Anita, was 5 years clear last week after fighting breast cancer. Two of my Uncles, my Grandmother, and so many others. 
It’s so prominent now, and important to get checked.
Scientists dedicate hours in hope of finding anything that can detect, prolong or cure those affected by cancer. It’s not free!!!!!!! If you are affected, it’s reassuring to know people are fighting for you. Please make a contribution towards their efforts, knowing it’s for us. 🙏

Day 1. Albert Park Lake

A perfect day to enjoy the luxury of good health and stroll with good intentionsattached. 
My friend Anita, who has battles breast cancer, encouraged me to get out of the house and start walking again for all the right reasons. She calls herself my conscience. “It’s your conscious calling!”
I can’t so no. 
My life has thrown me some real curve balls all packed into a decade. One of the things that I always reminded myself when I woke up each day…. was there is always someone doing it much harder. 
Some days empty the dishwasher seemed like a milestone and I would pat myself on the back. 
I can’t imagine what it would be like to find out you have cancer, and then have to get up everyday and face the world. 
I have lost several friends and family over the last few years, and it has changed me. Life has changed me. 
Friends have helped me, and although I might not have thanked them in the way I would have like to, because it was hard. 
I want to give back, even in small ways to say thank you. 
Thank you to all those people unseen and  seen that are there for people when they need it most. 
Nobody gets away from these disease, whether you have it or know somebody. 
Lots of small stones create a mountain. ❤️

Thank you to my Sponsors


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Samantha Jane


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