Jasamine Alexander

Jasamine and Gade

Gade and I will be shaving our hair at the end of the year to help raise money for the Australian cancer research foundation. We hope that you can help us by donating money, even if it’s not a lot. Thank you.

My Achievements

Profile pic

Reached Goal!

Raised $100

Shared Page

Self donated

75% of goal

50% of goal

My Updates

The big shave!

On the 7 December me and gade shaved our heads. We are very thankful to everyone who has donated and were there to watch us shave our heads.


Our goal has been reached and we plan to shave our heads early December 

Why are we doing this?

Jazz- I have always wanted to shave my head, you only live once being my motto, so I figured why not do it for a good cause?
Gade-To help raise awareness and money for cancer and research for a cure. I am also donating my hair because it will make a wig for someone with cancer.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Hayward Family

Love you beautiful girl xxxx



A great cause for you wonderful young ones to get behind. So good 👍



Getting u guys through to the finish line so proud of u both gade and jazz


Watt And Co

Very caring gentle couple. Well done on choosing to help others



Great cause supported by two great young people. I am sure you will reach and exceed your goal Jaz & Gade. Thank you for putting yourself out there and putting others needs ahead of your own. Such an awesome example to your generation.




Sarah & Travis



I love you pair. Thinking of others is beautiful. Your families must be so proud of you


Ellen Olive

What a great cause, you never stop making me proud


Gade Haley

I love u





How wonderful of you to make this happen Jasamine and Gade, you are both amazing people.


Samantha Cook

Wonderful guys x


Lesley Heatley Heatley


Jasamine Alexander



Great stuff Guys😊

