I’m taking the ACRF Hair Dare to support Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) in their mission to achieve a world without cancer.
I am raising vital funds to support the 2 in 5 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85. With your help, we can transform the way we prevent, diagnose and treat ALL types of cancer and put an end to this devastating disease.
Thank you for your generous donation. Supporting ACRF means giving Australia’s best cancer research to the people who need it most. That could be someone you know – someone you care about – your family, your friends, your community, perhaps even you.
My Updates
Thankyou everyone
I would all like to thank you for donating to my fundraiser. I in no way thought that this was achievable but you all made it possible and so that is why I give my biggest thanks to every single one of you who donated and supported the fund once again thankyouThank you to my Sponsors

Dolyana Healy

Mum And Dad And Gab Xx
We are so proud of you wanting to do this your ukjo and baka would be proud and love you.xx

Jelena Zaknich
So proud of you Ivan and such a special honour of your uncle Vic 😘

Jasminka Bartulovic
Proud of you 😘

Carla Maripa-campora
Good on you Ivan.

Dianne Zeaiter
So very Proud of you Ivan ! What a wonderful & thoughtful gesture .

Anna G
Well done Ivan

Jennifer Kasalo
Amazing work Ivan!

Nathan Kasalo

Samantha Kasalo
Well done Ivan, hope you reach your goal 🥰

Violeta Lozancic
Great work Ivan

Gina Brusek
Proud of you Ivan!

Michelle Rozzi
Go Ivan! What a great cause! Your uncle would be so proud! xxx

Anita Jerak
Such a lovely way to honour you uncle - you should be very proud of yourself Ivan . X
Such an amazing effort, well done