Our Supporters

The community moving towards a cancer-free future together

Meet some of the incredible individuals who have taken on ACRF’s 2km A Day In May challenge. Many people who take part in this challenge are personally impacted by cancer - whether that's their own diagnosis or that of a loved one. Cancer impacts us all and this challenge is an impactful way to make a difference.

Rach's dedication inspires us

“I know I am one of the lucky ones…but I don’t believe luck should be a factor. I think everyone who is diagnosed with cancer should have the same chances no matter what kind of cancer they have. But this won’t happen of its own accord, research needs to be done”

Meet Rachael, a kind, sweet and outdoor loving 32-year-old who just a few years ago was thrown one hell of a curve ball. Originally from the UK, Rachael was looking to call Australia home but during what seemed like a routine set of tests for her visa, Rachael was shocked to find out she had failed the health assessment.

A follow-up CT scan revealed masses in her neck and chest. Biopsy’s confirmed Rachael’s fears and she was diagnosed with Stage 2A Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Being young and female meant just four days later, Rachael started IVF to ensure she could have her healthy eggs collected before she was due to start her treatment. As if facing cancer wasn’t enough, Rachael had to navigate the fears and physical turmoil egg collection procedure.

Rachael then started her chemotherapy and radiation treatment. In hospital alone due to the COVID-19 pandemic, oceans away from her family, Rachael faced her new reality. Treatment hit Rachael hard with side-effects often putting her back in hospital and making her feel vulnerable - “It left me feeling exposed and raw when I’d leave the house bald with only a scarf to cover my head. It was really hard.”

Rachael has just passed her one-year remission. She has her confidence and independence back – along with a new appreciation for science and research.

Dad does it for his little hero

"We obviously knew there was something going on, but we couldn't have imagined what it was. Our whole world got twisted upside down" 

Nathan and Naomi are proud parents to three gorgeous kids - Gracie, Marley, and Ollie, who they affectionately call “Ollie Bear”.

When Ollie was just six years old, they rushed him to emergency after his eye turned inwards and a local optometrist suggested something neurologic could be going on. 

Later that day, a CT scan revealed a parent's worst nightmare. They found a tumour the size of a lime, about 5cm in length, at the base of his skull. Following an urgent biopsy, Ollie was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of tissue cancer, called embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma.

Since his diagnosis, Ollie has bravely undergone countless rounds of gruelling chemotherapy and radiation, with his family by his side every step of the way. Despite their own trauma, the Jepson family continue to do all they can to support children just like Ollie and their families. 

In 2023, Nathan took part in ACRF’s 2km A Day In May challenge to honour his little hero. Even while juggling life in and out of the hospital with his boy, Nathan found time to walk or run every day to help raise lifesaving funds for cancer research. Thank you, Nathan, for your immense kindness and support.

Join the community!

Join our vibrant Facebook group to stay motivated and connected with fellow participants as you complete your 2km A Day In May challenge. Share your progress, stories, and celebrate wins along the way! We'll be sharing tips, encouragement and exciting prizes to be won!

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1300 884 988

